Private and Semi-Private lessons are also available.

Please contact instructor, Mark Tomlinson at: 715.222.8240 or email him at:

Tai Chi is one of the only approaches to health that assists in keeping your body healthy, strong, and flexible while simultaneously providing mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Available to any level of experience, we combine ancient tradition with innovation. Encouraging and forward-looking, we offer a wide variety of classes; you're sure to find one to suit your needs.  If you come, breathe, and try your best, you’ll notice immediate benefits.

Regular Classes

Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:30 am

Class Locations and Times

Tuition: $100 for a round of 10 one-hour classes, or $15 per class. Private and semi-private lessons are also available. Email Mark directly at: or call 715-222-8240.

Tuesdays*  5:30 - 6:30 pm

Year round

Weapon Training

for advanced students

Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:30 am

Students may contact the the Phipps at  715-386-2305 to sign up or try a free class to see if it is for you.  Enrollment can begin any time throughout the year.

The Phipps Center for the Arts

Hudson, WI​​

Glen Park Pavilion

River Falls, WI​​